McWEB Screenshots – and More…


  The McWEB Product Suite is constantly being expanded and enhanced to meet the changing need of the McDonald’s Franchise Operator. 

Below are a few other modules/features:

Promethean Backup:
A backup system to be used prior to running a posting process.  This near term backup is in place in the event of a system problem during a post.  The Promethan Backup will maintain five (5) backup sets per company.

ProCloud Backup:
The ProCloud server performs a total system backup nightly. In addition the ProCloud Server performs a separate backup of all McWEB Data.  The ProCloud System maintains a rolling month of McWEB Data Backups.  This level of backup is unavailable anywhere except McWEB on ProCould.  ProCloud Backup ensures your peace of mind.

General Report Writer:
General Report Writer (General) is a powerful, yet user friendly report generation engine. Aiding in report design is the fact that General has the industry’s most flexible and powerful data dictionary. General is a reliable, easy to learn report writer, with speed and capabilities unavailable in competing ODBC-based products.

McWEB Mobile Remote Polling:
In the event that a store does not poll correctly, franchise staff can now re-poll the store(s) directly from their laptop computer. In addition to giving access to McWEB on ProCloud, McWEB Mobile now also provides access to the store polling database that is maintained at the franchise office.